what people are saying

  • “I’ve had three sound healing sessions with May—one was a joint session with mother. I’ve found them all to be incredibly powerful & transformative, not just in the moment, but in the days and weeks that follow. I’m also always blown away by the intuitive downloads and insights she receives while scanning my energy. The information always resonates and is truly what I need to hear on the moment. I’m grateful to be able to receive her deeply healing gifts.

    — Gelareh D. (Los Angeles, California)

  • “I’ve been pursuing wellness through a variety of modalities, over a number of years. otō healing provides me with a means to reground, to re-establish a sense of my Self. It is a relief to turn my focus to the pure energy of sound waves. For me, having 3 sessions was ideal: I wept through the first session, (as energy blockages dissolved); the second session was exceedingly sweet; and the third session sealed in the goodness. I’ve since had single sessions, and experience a delicious and profound sense of homecoming. I appreciate that sound therapy combines art and science. In my experience, there is no one ‘method’ that meets my needs ‘all of the time’. Sound therapy is a valued tool in my toolbox, I turn to it from time to time.

    — Linda B. (Vancouver, Canada)

  • “We collaborated with May for several events at Formation Studio, creating a unique, grounding experience. May is full of creativity and has such a strong presence that immediately puts newcomers at ease. Her intuitive and scientific approach allows people to fully surrender to the totality of the experience.

    — Saschie M., Formation Studio co-founder (Vancouver, Canada)

  • “May has the ability to transform a space and carry a crowd into an experience like no other. We rise post-sound bath transformed and in awe of her magic, every. single. time! The ease with which she does this makes it seem so simple, but let me tell you — it takes deep mastery, holding, and borderline magic to do what she does. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us, May!

    — Emma D., Brood co-founder (Vancouver, Canada)